Analysis (R)

All our Analysis with the initial letter “R”.

Rast Milk Specific IgE (Cow's)

Cow’s milk is one of the most common food allergens, especially for children.

Specimen: Serum

Reference Values:

Class 0 – Negative: 0-0.01 PRU/ml
Class 0: Non Traceable: 0.01-0.35 PRU/ml
Class 1 – Low: 0.35-0.7 PRU/ml
Class 2 – Raised: 0.7-3.5 PRU/ml
Class 3 – High: 3.5-17.5 PRU/ml
Class 4 – Very High: 17.5 – 52.5 PRU/ml
Class 5 – Extremely High: >52.5 PRU/ml

Method: CLIA

Loinc: 15846-9

Reducing Substances (Stool)

This test measures unabsorbed sugars in stool. It is used to evaluate the body’s ability to digest carbohydrates, or to absorb nutrients from food and drinks

Specimen: Stool

Reference Values: Negative

Method: IFA

Loinc: 21053-4

Reducing Substances (Urine)

Urine reducing substances is a medical procedure used for such diagnoses as: diabetes mellitus type 2, Alcaptonuria and galactosemia.


Reference Values:


Loinc: 5809-9


Renin is an enzyme (protein) that’s released into the blood by the kidney in response to stress. It reacts with a substance from the liver to produce angiotensin, which causes the blood vessels to narrow and your blood pressure to increase.

Specimen:EDTA Plasma Frozen (Rest For 30 minutes-Laying)

Reference Values:

Supine: 0.30 – 2.35 ng/ml/h
Upright: 1.31 – 4.95 ng/ml/h

Method: RIA



Rheumatoid Factor (RF)

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation of the joints. Autoimmune diseases are illnesses that occur when the body’s tissues are mistakenly attacked by their own immune system.

Specimen: Serum

Reference Values: <20 IU/ml

Method: Agglutimation Reaction

Loinc: 33648-7

Rickettsia conori IgG

The endothelial cell (EC) is the primary target for Rickettsia conorii (RC) in Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF). Clinical manifestations such as thrombosis and vasculitis are mediated by pathologic changes localized in blood vessels. Rickettsia conori IgG = Past Infection

Specimen: Serum

Reference Values: Up to 1:32

Method: IFA

Loinc: 25749-3

Rickettsia conori IgM

The endothelial cell (EC) is the primary target for Rickettsia conorii (RC) in Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF). Clinical manifestations such as thrombosis and vasculitis are mediated by pathologic changes localized in blood vessels. Rickettsia conori IgM = Acute Infection

Specimen: Serum

Reference Values: Negative

Method: IFA

Loinc: 25750-1

Rotavirus Antigen

The rotavirus antigen test detects rotavirus in the feces. This is the most common cause of infectious diarrhea in children.

Specimen: Stool

Reference Values: Negative

Method: Imm. Chromatography

Loinc: 17547-1

Rubella Avidity Test

Avidity test is of paramount importance to differentiate acute from past infection specially in cases when IgM is positive, because IgM test may remain positive for months even for a year or more after the acute phase. Avidity is the binding strength of the antibody of patient serum to bind with the antigen.

Specimen: Serum

Reference Values:


Loinc: 52986-7

Rubella IgG

Rubella is an infection caused by a virus. It is usually mild with fever and a rash. About half of the people who get rubella do not have symptoms. Rubella is most dangerous for a pregnant woman’s baby. It can cause miscarriage or birth defects. Rubella IgG = Past Infection

Specimen: Serum

Reference Values:

<10 IU/ml : Absence of Immunity
10-15 IU/ml : Doubtfull level
15-200 IU/ml : Long standing immunity or early seroconversion

Method: CLIA

Loinc: 41763-4

Rubella IgM

Rubella is an infection caused by a virus. It is usually mild with fever and a rash. About half of the people who get rubella do not have symptoms. Rubella is most dangerous for a pregnant woman’s baby. It can cause miscarriage or birth defects. Rubella IgM = Acute Infection

Specimen: Serum

Reference Values:

Negative: <0.8
Equivocal: 0.8-1.0
Positive: >1.0

Method: CLIA

Loinc: 8015-0